"Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Belcher Stowe
Publisher: Nelson Doubleday
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 475
Original Publish Date: 1852
Country: United States
Genre: Historical Fiction
Original Title: Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly
Synopsis: "Stowe's characters are powerfully and humanly realized in Uncle Tom, a majestic and heroic slave whose faith and dignity are never corrupted; Eliza and her husband, George, who elude slave catchers and eventually flee a country that condones slavery; Simon Legree, a brutal plantation owner; Little Eva, who suffers emotionally and physically from the suffering of slaves; and fun-loving Topsy, Eva's slave playmate." -Goodreads
Fun Fact: Banned in the United States (Confederacy) during the Civil War for its anti-slavery content and banned in Russia in 1852 for "undermining religious ideals." -Wikipedia
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